Be Still, Noise

Be still, noise. Often, I hear from Mums, “If only my little one would sit still and be quiet, just for a minute!” So, let’s try this:

Let's play a game called "Dance & Breathe"

Be still, noise.

Often, I hear from Mums, “If only my little one would sit still and be quiet, just for a minute!”

So, let’s try this:

The game is called “breathe”,

gather your tribe

put on your favourite song

start dancing

take turns pressing pause

on pause

Start Time Out Tai Chi Breathing

Do 1 repetition and start the music again.

on pause

Do 2 Reps and so on.

Make it all as fun as possible laugh when dancing and be quiet and calm when breathing. The little ones will start to follow your lead. Get them involved in telling you how to breathe.

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Practice when you are happy and use when you are stressed.

All behaviours take practice, so you have nothing to lose by giving this go. You will gain exercise, good mental wellbeing and most of all positive Tribe time.

Let me know how you go, what is your song of choice?

Keep moving towards calm,

From Leanne

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